• Deadline for a return

You have 14 calendar days from receipt of your order to proceed with your return.

  • Returns

You must return the product at your own expense, using the carrier of your choice. All returns must be sent to our warehouse in Spain whose address and instructions can be found on our Returns Portal Once you have completed your request, you will receive an email with information on how to complete the process.

Please, note that as this is not a service offered by us, we cannot assume the risk on the returned package when it refers to causes not attributable to D.Franklin, so we recommend that you keep a proof of shipment.

It is essential that the products you wish to return are in perfect condition, with no signs of use and that they are returned in their original packaging.

If you have received your product with a defect you should write to us through our Contact Form and wait for your case to be assessed. If these requirements are not met, the return will be rejected and will be made available to the customer for collection. 

Important: Orders with 2x1 or 3x2 promotions will have to be made with all the articles of the promotion. If any of the items included in the promotion are not returned, the customer will be charged for the amount of the promotion.

All countries that are not part of the European Union may generate custom fees. In order to avoid this charge we recommend indicating the parcel´s value as 0.00€ (RETURN). However, any expenses associated with the return will be the responsibility of the customer (DDP Incoterms®).


  • Replacements

We do not make product exchanges, you must process it as a return and place a new order.

To do this you will have to send a shipment with the carrier of your choice to the address provided in our Returns Portal. These return costs will not be charged to D.Franklin.


At D.Franklin, we aim to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. To process a return, please make sure the product meets the following conditions:

  1. Product condition: The product must be returned in perfect condition, retaining its original box and all included accessories.
  2. Proper packaging: We recommend using the original packaging to protect both the product and its box. If the original packaging is unavailable, please ensure the new packaging is secure enough to prevent damage.
  3. Damaged products: We will not accept returns for products that are in poor condition due to misuse or improper packaging.

We reserve the right to reject any return that does not meet these conditions. For more information about our return process, please contact our customer service team.

Please use an envelope, plastic bag or paper wrap to protect the items you are going to return and in no case directly place the return label on the boxes or containers corresponding to the items, as it would be impossible for us to reuse them and it would entail the possible rejection of the return.

In case the product is not received in its original packaging - as indicated above, we reserve the right to deduct those items that are missing or that are not in original condition from the total price:

  1. Box: 5 €
  2. Any other extra item contained in the box (stickers, pouch, cleaning cloth, etc): 3€

Returns for orders including 2x1 or 3x2 promotions or free items should be made in full to get a refund. No partial returns will be accepted.

Once the return is refused, the customer will have 3 months to pickup the package from our warehouse, assuming the shipping cost. If the package is not picked up by the customer within 3 months it will be sent to charity.


Once the item has been received and your refund has been approved and authorized, you will receive a confirmation email notifying that the amount of the product or products to be returned, will be refunded through the same method of payment you used to pay for the order. 

The refund will appear in your account balance in the next 7 to 15 working days after you receive the email confirming the refund, although this may vary depending on the conditions of each bank.


Please note that in case of gifts, refunds will always be made through the method of payment used when placing the order.